Retailer forced to close after heavy rain over Sunday and Monday caused localised flooding when drains couldn’t cope with amount of water.
Daniel Adams, owner of Stationary House in Clevedon posted photos on Instagram of flood water outside the shop and coming in the doorway telling followers: “Here we go again. Closed for the next hour due to high flood water. Water so high the sandbags are not preventing water getting in and consequently the front door mat is now totally destroyed. Would be nice to get some money off North Somerset Council to replace it and cover the large amount we will lose again today in lost sales, but we won’t hold our breath.”

It is not the first time this has happened with Daniel telling BBC Bristol: “This has been going on for three years. Every time we get any kind of rain the drain can’t cope and it backs up, and the whole road and shop gets flooded. I’m very annoyed and very angry.”
A spokesperson for North Somerset Council told BBC Bristol: “We’ve designed drainage improvement works to help resolve this issue. We’re working closely with Wessex Water to progress this, as they maintain the sewers in North Somerset.”
Top: Flooding in the entrance of Stationery House in Clevedon.