The Wetherby-based retailer prides itself on its eco-credentials and is always looking for ways to reduce its carbon footprint.
A recent report (the Small Business, Green Growth report commissioned by BT, Small Business Britain and Oxford Brookes Business School) on small businesses and going green states that 80% of business proprietors aim to enhance their sustainability efforts, with nearly one in four small businesses seeing environmental initiatives as a potential avenue for growth.

One such business that is embracing the drive towards net zero is Castlegate Stationers in Wetherby, West Yorkshire. Nish Kanabar and wife Liz took over Castlegate Stationers in 2009 and have since introduced a number of initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint.
Nish comments that it is easy to feel overwhelmed when you first start looking at business practices, but the key is “taking small steps. You don’t have to do everything at once.”
Some easy wins for Castlegate were replacing 22 6ft fluorescent tubes with LEDs, which saves money and also energy. Switching delivery vehicles to electric has also made a huge difference. “A relatively easy win is choosing an energy supplier that generates green energy,” says Nish. “Another big one for us is packaging. We try and reuse as much of our packaging as possible to keep things in the loop. If we can’t reuse, then we recycle.”
As far as product range, Nish seeks out suppliers who have robust eco-credentials and works closely with them. “You’ve got to challenge suppliers and ask what they’re doing. And not just with the end product, but the manufacturing chain as well. You can’t just accept status quo.”

Nish stocks a lot from eco-eco Stationery, as well as under Castlegate’s own label. “When looking for suppliers for our own label we have certain criteria that they supplier must meet, one of those being manufactured in the UK. We are continually looking out for new product ranges that meet our criteria.”
And what do the customers think? “We pride ourselves on our eco-credentials, in fact we promote eco-products on the store facia. We know we have customers that choose us over competitors because of our eco-credentials. We even have support from the local Green Party who recommend our shop,” says Nish.
“We’re doing as much as we can to reduce our carbon footprint,” says Nish. “It hasn’t always been easy, but we’re now at a stage where we’ve set up good practices. We don’t stand still though. We’re constantly looking for different ways to further reduce our carbon footprint.”