Becoming B Corp: A Journey To Better Business

Good Tuesday was the first UK stationery brand to become B Corp, but hopefully one of many to come. We’ve recently seen another British stationery company, Ohh Deer, achieve certification, and we extend our congratulations to them. I have spoken with others who are also in the process, and we look forward to hearing their announcements very soon.

I’d like to share some insights from our journey of becoming a B Corp, and what it has meant for us so far.

Why B Corp?

B Corps are companies verified by B Lab to meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. As a young company, we began with the vision of operating how we believe all businesses should—by taking responsibility for the planet and caring for the people involved. The B Corp certification embodies these values and more, setting a benchmark for responsible business practices.

It’s not perfect, and certainly not all certified brands are perfect, but it’s a long way in the right direction, and that’s certainly the direction we want to travel in.

Above: Becoming a B Corp involves looking at the production process from start to finish.
Above: Becoming a B Corp involves looking at the production process from start to finish.

The Process

The road to certification is thorough and often demanding. It involves an in-depth assessment across five areas: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. At Good Tuesday, this meant scrutinising every aspect of our business, from our supply chain and packaging to our community engagement. The process forces you to take a hard look at where you are and where you can improve.

For us, it’s not just been about getting certified; it’s also proven a great framework for helping us improve – and we know that the framework will continue to develop, and we can develop along with it.

The Impact

For us, the certification is more than just a label—it’s a commitment. It has made us more accountable, given our customers confidence in our practices, and aligned us with a global movement that values people and the planet over profit. It’s also made our team proud to be part of an organisation that genuinely cares, and it has helped us attract talent that aligns with our values. While challenging, the journey has been incredibly rewarding, and we hope to see many more stationery brands follow suit.

How to Get Started

The path to certification will vary depending on your business size and setup, but small steps can take you a long way.

If you’re interested in starting the process, here are some tips:

  1. Sign up for the B Impact Assessment

This free tool gives you access to initial questions and points for each answer. Start here: B Impact Assessment.

  1. Establish Your Baseline

Fill out the assessment as thoroughly as possible to understand your current score and identify areas for improvement to reach the 80+ points needed for certification.

  1. Start Measuring

Some questions require data—like how much waste you produce—so it’s essential to start gathering this information sooner rather than later.

  1. Engage Your Team

The assessment covers all areas of your business, so getting your team excited and involved from the start is key to success.

  1. Get Help

Join your local B Corp community—we joined B Local here in Cornwall. If possible, bring a consultant or guide on board to help steer you in the right direction.

It’s not easy, but most good things aren’t. With dedication and support, you can embark on your B Corp journey and contribute to building a better future for business – as customers will expect more and more transparency.

Get in touch if you have any questions, we’re always happy to share!

P.S. read more about our journey and what changes we implemented over on

Top: The Good Tuesday team celebrate becoming a B Corp earlier this year.


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