Back To School Sales Not Over Yet

In most parts of England and Wales, schools are going back this week, but for many retailers, back to school isn’t over quite yet, with last minute shoppers still making purchases.

For stationery retailers, the back to school period is one of the busiest in the calendar, with sales starting before the kids finish school for summer and going right through the summer holidays until the kids go back – and beyond that as well.

“There is definitely a split between those who buy at the start of the holidays and those who wait until the last minute,” says David Goddard, joint owner of Biddles of Guildford. “We don’t think it is quite over yet, as we tend to find the first weekend after the schools go back is often also still very back-to-school focused as people realise what they have forgotten, plus we will have University students who will be looking for their stationery later in the month.”

Sally Stephenson, owner of The Penci Case in Cowbridge agrees, saying: “Customers are leaving it later and later to start shopping. Last year it went right to the end of the summer holidays and this year looks like it will be the same. We get busier and busier right up to the end of holidays.”

In terms of best sellers, the name on everyone’s lips is Legami. “The stand out seller has definitely been Legami pens,” says David. “We have a stand on the counter and we have a lot of customers who pick up one (or five) when they are buying the rest of their items.”

Above: Ryman has extended its range of Legami available in stores across the UK.
Above: Ryman has extended its range of Legami available in stores across the UK.

The newest limited edition Legami set – Under the Sea – has been a hot seller for many retailers, with Sandra Jervis of Creative Cove in Lampeter saying: “I had to double my Under the Sea order. I sold three boxes in a day. They are flying out, fueled by having lots of tourists who have never seen these pens before.”

Ryman has also extended its Legami range across its UK stores, offering not only pens, but also notebooks, more stationery items, tech and homeware.


Top: Biddles of Guildford’s back to school window and in-store display.


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